Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Padan muka kau kena balik, MUAHAHAHA

tonight, TONIGHT

Baru jumpa ni.
Agagagagaga GIF ni lawak.

Blogger's note: Two more months, and there WILL be a surprise from them. HAHAHAHA

Monday, May 2, 2011

Comel sangat sampai kena reblog kat SINI

He walks in and there were some err weird friends

Jinston <3

Wishing that was ME



I think it was only 30 minutes-ish. But that just made my day already. An I think he answered my question about the royal wedding. I GUESS. And there was a dwarf coming in, joining his WEIRD costume friends. Funny I guess.

Note to Joe Jonas: Please do another live chat! *Without any animal costume friends : )

Watching this just now

Just made my day : )

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Obses Punya Pasal

Royal Wedding FEVER
