Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Old and The New

The Historic Prince and Princess vs The Modern Yet The Sweetest Prince and Princess

A Happy New Family

Blogger's note: Sorry lah a bit late -.-

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Eh I love you laaaaaaah, hahahaha

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stalking some blogs

Just now I saw this ad on facebook I guess ( lupa already padahal baru bukak 1 jam yang lepas, pfffft ) The ad was about The WWWOW Awards, launched by Digi. So I sibuk-sibuk bukak that website.

It's a site where you can vote any online superstars. Tak kiralah blogger, tweet, video, photo SEMUALAH. Then I clicked on the TOP LOL (humour) award. I saw some blogs then totally felt head over heels. I've been stalking only two, FOR NOW. Busyyyyyy memanjang X/

So these are the blogs

Blog yang teramatlah SERIUS!

Ni teramat BEST!

That's all to say, sorry type. Hehehe. ktanxbai : )

Saturday, April 16, 2011

NIghtmare's OVER: Asasi TESL Interview


Baru satu je interview, belum dua, TIGA. haaaaaa... Apa pun nak luahkan rasa lega dan gumbira sebab dah lepas pun interbiu tadi pagi, ALHAMDULILLAH SYUKUUUR! So what happen to me? Ni lah cek nak habak mai nih, meh meh

Alarm phone bunyi pukul 5.30. Grrrr rasa nak sambung tido je. Cehh padahal semalam dah pengsan pukul 8 lebih, HAHAHA. So I straight away iron my baju kurung, checking back my files and stuff to bring. Saya dan Mamamamama bertolak pukul 7, menuju ke Kampus Bandaraya UITM, Larkin.

As soon as we arrived, tengok RAMAI gila ada kat situ and I thought they were all taking this interview. But I found out, there were also other interviews for Architecture, Landscaping etc. Ada yang bawak drawing block besar dia mak aihh. Then I saw Nashreeq, my friend from ISKANDAR. Tanya-tanya dia, ghupenya nak pi interbiu for Landscape. Tiba-tiba dengar pulak ada some guy cakap suruh gather-gather ikut course masing-masing. So I went to the TESL part.

Tengah dok mata menjalar-jalar kan kan ( paham-paham jelah buat apa ^^ ), terjumpa juga Aiman Juperi. Bersyukur sangat ada dia sebagai peneman, fiuhhhh. Menjalar kan mata lagi, ternampak pulak Azmeer bersama ibunya. Berbual-bual jap, tiba-tiba, " Okay, all students that are taking Asasi Tesl Re-turn test, please go inside Dewan Kuliah 1." AAAAAAHHHHH cuakkkk cuakkkk. FINE, relax yourself.....

Masuk dewan kuliah, terus pegi kat tempat duduk then terus jawab some papers. It consists of
  • Part 1: Comprehension
  • Part 2: Writing
I'll admit it, the comprehension was tougher than the writing. Like the passage was quite hard to understand, dengan ada lagi cikgu tengah explain kat budk yang amik seni grafik. OEMJAY, pressure sikit time tu, pfffft. Then came the writing part. It's about the dangers of social network such as Facebook, Myspace and bla bla. Gila condemned facebook time tulis essay, PADAHAL..... hahaha. As usual, my essay was like tuutt tuutttttttt. Ughhhh langsung takda idea, blank gila otak time tu. Ughhhhhh again!

After finishing the test, we all went to the upper floor for the interview. INTERVIEWWWW. There were 2 panels, I got the second. That panel had more girls in it. Tapi nasib Aiman ada kat group tu gak, YEAAYYY. Check the name list and I was the 29th person to be interviewed. And that was OUT OF 30 person. It was 9.30 am. Sah habis pukul 1 lebih ni.

So we waited. There were 2 panels for mine. both of them were women. One was very, well I would say she's quite fashionable and of course beautiful. Annnddd the other one. Hmmmmm, one word, GRUMPY. hahaha. As we waited, I made some friends. Ada yang from Batu Pahat, Pontian, Desaru. Puhhh jauh-jauh diorang ni datang. Then until nombor 24, the panel said to form a group as it was nearly 1 o'clock IN THE AFTERNOON. Serius perut time tu dah bergelodak kot. Sakit GILA perut wehhhhhh. Takpa, tahan tahan.....

Then it was MY TURN and one last girl with me. Masuk-masuk sekali tengok panel tu tengah makan kit-kat an. Pehhhh DUGAAAAAAAN. Never mine, ignore. We both gave our file and sat. We were like 2 meters far from the panel. OKAAAAYYY.... So the Q's was like
  1. Tell me about yourself?
  2. What do you know about Asasi TESL
  3. What do you want to do if you want to attract your students in your teaching?
  4. What type of person do you want to teach? Kids, Teens, Adults?
And here comes the KILLER question, what current issue that you want to talk about? TAKKAN NAK CKP, "Miss, I'm sorry.. I don't know any" Gila, tak pasal-pasal kena sepak keluar. So teringat pasal ada sorang student tadi ada cakap pasal Japan, Tsunami etc. Then terus cakap pasal tu. Almost every question, my answer was like duhhhh... Lame-O jeee kot. Main belasah je jawab. Last was when the panel ask us if we wanted to ask anything. Tanyalah pasal MUET. cehh padahal dah tau sikit-sikit. SAJE JE TUUUU, hahahaha. So at last, I finished at 1.30 ish. Kesian perut, asik dok panggil makan je. So that's it. First time experience ni, Alhamdulillah. It's okay. Pray that I could get this course, InsyaAllah : )

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nightmare: TESL Interview

Yes, I freaked out when I first knew that I was accepted for the interview.
Yes, I had butterflies flying around inside my stomach.
Yes, I had so much awful thoughts about what's going to happen during the interview and test.

Ya Allah, PLEASE help me throughout that day. Please OH please! And please please please, don't make me tongue-tied in front of the interviewer.

So I read a few blogs and websites about tips, Q's and A's regarding the TESL interview. You could go and check out about it on the links below. It's very very informative. *It could also scare out the butterflies inside you, hehehe

Blogger note: There's so much please there, haha. Please pray for me will ya? May Allah bless you : )

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Sister's Project

Okay title je dah macam gempak (gempak ke?) Well last Sunday, I had nothing to prepare for tomorrow, as in Monday, that is preparing for nasi lomak. Then suddenly this girl here

Yesss her, ni baby lagi ni. Now she's in standard one.

Kay continue! She came to me, dengan muka monyok mintak pelempang, suruh tolong buatkan project work dia. Ape ke bendo darjah satu buat project work??! Aku dulu takdo pun macam tu. Dia pun tunjuklah buku teks English dia. Rupanya,
teacher dia suruh buat mobile, alah yang gantung-gantung gambo kat stick ke hanger tuuu. So kalau dah suruh aku yang buat, memanglah kan. Well actually, if it involves art and crafts whatsoever, aku boleh hadap buat benda tu for like 3 hours straight PUN boleh.

Dan aku dengan mangatnya bawak segala barang nak buat project adik aku. Malas nak terangkan so I took some pictures while doing it

Terlintas idea nak letak water colour kat hanger busuk ni

Us together : )

Tadaaaaaaaa cantik gilorrr an an an???

Budak busuk yang sumbang hanya 3% dalam project ni. Curse you small kiddo!

Last-last akulah yang berhempas-pulas dan bermandi peluh buat benda ni. Kita tunggu lagi seminggu dan tengok hasilnya. Gerenti dah jadi macam nasi lomak yang hari-hari aku bungkus tuu (woot-woot promote ni, hahaha)

And as you see, ada satu previous post ni, dah janji kunun nak review movie tu. Tapi habuk tarak! Screw me. Dah nanti kalau rajin saya update ea ea bloggie : )

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hahahaha Comel


Nick Jonas loves you : )

Sunday, April 10, 2011


*muka Nick tak bole bela. Macam nak bagi penyepak kat Joe

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Autumn : )

500 Days of Summer is freaking AWESOME! Kena tengok, kena tengok! Muka dah smiley-smiley dah ni lepas tengok cerita tu. But for now, I have to do my prayers. Will review about the story sooner!

Title Autumn tu sebenarnya ada kena mengena, even though it says Summer kat tajuk cerita tu. Aaaaaah nantilah cerita, promise promise! Cess promise macam ada orang je kat sini. hahaha.

Okay! Later aligator, nyom nyom!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Idk what is this tapi aku main bantai je buat. Tengok sume dok buat macam best pulek. hahahahaha okay tu je. Taken from Abe Ben. Untuk maklumat yang lebih lanjut pasai post ni boleh tekan sini : )

Sunday, April 3, 2011


irakad:  yeah i do ._.  Featured on BestPostArchive||Facebook Like

You betcha


Kekosongan melanda

Hari ni dah masuk 10 hari kot, asal bukak blog je mesti dah tersangkut-sangkut nak buat post baru. Writer's block lah kunun. Serius dah takda masa yang panjang gila kot nak relax, santai-santai buat post baru. Okay aku admit lah, aku selalu buat post kadang sampai 1 jam ada kot. Selalu orang buat post 10 minit dah siap kot. Pelik bebeno aku ni.

Memandangkan hari ini off dari sebarang pekerjaan, aku nak edit, nak update, nak customize, nak nak nak...... Dah senang citer aku nak buat macam-macam kat blog aku ni. Dah berhari-hari merancang nak buat macam-macam. Last-last tergendala : (


p/s: Next post akan keluar dalam masa 10 jam. hahahaha